Welcome to my portfolio! I am a passionate software engineer with expertise in automation and data science. Feel free to explore my projects below.
For this project I bought a led display, affiliated link below. I bought it with a adafruit led hat and was able to set it up with minimal soldering. I used a raspberry pi zero and the 5V powersupply for the LED screen powered the raspberry pi as well. The majority of the time I have inspirational messages on it like how much I owe on the principal of my morgage or the amount I'll end up paying if I follow the 30 year schedule of the loan! "LED display - link"
My paid hosting on Namecheap was coming to a close and my wife and I decided to migrate to a 'free' option self hosting. It was pretty easy to migrate the sites over but the https certificates had their own difficulties. The ISP we use didn't allow for port 80 connections only 443. This caused the certbot athentification attempts to fail. I decided to try a DNS-01 challenge it required putting a DNS txt record in namechaep showing I have control over the domain. I just had to change the certbot flag then login to namecheap and add the TXT record. It was pretty painless. I used guides like this for help digitalocean dns guide.
Created Script to get all CNAME records for the IP address of fortune 500 companies. Then used seaborn python package to create a pie chart. It's incredible the dominance that Akamai has in the market! 12/11/2023
Created Script to get all PTR records for the IP address of fortune 500 companies. Then used seaborn python package to create a pie chart. 12/11/2023
Working on scripts to automate Linkedin interaction.